One of the hardest quarters was the third quarter because since I actually tried in this quarter, I had to put my mind in it. I got bad scores on my vocabulary and I should've studied as much as I could have even if that means I have to everyday. Third quarter was also the most challenging but most fun quarters out of all of them so far. But I think that it was also the quarter that made me do better than I thought I could do and the quarter where it showed me how much I can do if I actually do my work and engage into it.
In third quarter I didn't try to read at all. I don't like reading, never did. Thats another thing I should've tried doing as well. Reading was always boring to me and I get uninterested easily. I tried reading the book "A Child Called It" but I stopped reading when I hit the second chapter. I kept telling myself that I'm going to keep on reading but I never did and I forgot about it. Maybe later on in the future I'll overcome that and try to read a whole book.
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