On the day of the election I was shocked. I didn't watch it but I would look up the stats every 30 minutes. Every time I would look up the stats Trump would be ahead. I thought Clinton was going to make a comeback but then at the end, the results were that Trump won. It didn't feel right. It didn't feel right because why would anyone want Trump to be our president. He sees differences in people who are in this country. It shouldn't be that way because at the end we are all humans together and more importantly we are humans that work together to keep this country who it is today. He tries to separate from what he thinks are wrong people to people that deserve to be in this country in his mind. To him only white people are the only good people and the only people that deserve to live and be in this country. Mexicans have done a lot to keep this country together. They grow plants, fruits and vegetables. They do this because no one else wants to do that kind of work. Espically whites. He says all Mexicans and blacks are all stealers, killers, and bad people. In his mind white people never do harm or crimes. He tries to separates blacks from whites, Mexicans from whites and even muslims from whites. This is one reason why I think he didn't deserve to win the election.
My next reason why I think Donald Trump shouldn't have won was because he thinks different about women. He thinks that women don't help our community or our world. Women affect a lot of stuff that happens in this world but in a good way. He thinks just because they're women, they can't do what men can do. He thinks that women are just here to be used. He doesn't think big about women. He is a sexist. He can't or shouldn't be sexist if he's going to be president of this country because there isn't only just men in the United States. There are women too. Women are a big deal in this society. He just doesn't get that through his head.
My last reason why I think he shouldn't have been president is because he only cares about himself. He's really selfish. He thinks he's the best just because how much money he has. He doesn't
care about anybody's feelings when he is supposed to since he's the president of the United States. As president of the United States you are supposed to try to make this country better for every single person despite their skin color, nationality, religion, beliefs. Donald Trump only tries to do what's best for people who thinks deserves it.