Two men that go by the names of Boots Stanley and Steven Sadler were taken into custody by police in August 2016 for a gruesome act towards a dog. They were reportedly found abusing and torturing a 4 year old dog at Bastrop Kill Pen in Arkansas.
Animal abuse happens national and worldwide. Most common animals that are getting abused are 70.1% of dogs, 20.9% of cats, and 24.1% of other animals. Dogfighting, cockfighting or any other way of animal cruelty continues in many areas of the United States.
The past 25 years, psychology, sociology, and criminology had found a connection between animal cruelty and human violence. They say that most serial killers had killed or tortured animals as children. Other forms of violence that come from killing or torturing a dog are child abuse, spouse abuse, and elder abuse. Surveys say that most people who intentionally abuse animals are men under 30, but animal hoarders are more likely to be women over 60.
On August 26th 2016, Boots Stanley and Steven Sadler were under arrest after they had posted a video on Snapchat that gone viral of two Arkansas men torturing and ended up killing a 4 year old dog.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Non Fiction blog
The book I am reading is Adolf Hitler by Josh Rubenstein. What I read so far is about Hitler's family and what made him do what he did later on that caused World War 11. Hitler was also in the first World War, which Germany lost. Hitler was disappointed in Germany and the soldiers because they gave up too easily. He wanted to blame someone or something for why they gave up too easily so they blamed it on Jewish people.
A passage that interested me in was, "What stood out about Hitler was his manner of speaking. He did not address his audience in a calm, rational, or dignified manner. He would literally shout at them with threats and promises. His talks were very emotional and by their end he would have to slump into a chair exhausted, his face covered with sweat." I chose this passage because it's interesting on how he talks to his soldiers and his people. He talks to them like if they had no feelings or no heart.
Something that interests me:
Something that also is interesting to me is why he wanted to start a World War II. He started World War II because he wanted to regain the strength of Germany. He wanted to get other lands to make Germany bigger and to have more strength and power. He blamed Jewish people because he no one else to blame for the failure of his country, Germany.
The book I am reading is Adolf Hitler by Josh Rubenstein. What I read so far is about Hitler's family and what made him do what he did later on that caused World War 11. Hitler was also in the first World War, which Germany lost. Hitler was disappointed in Germany and the soldiers because they gave up too easily. He wanted to blame someone or something for why they gave up too easily so they blamed it on Jewish people.
A passage that interested me in was, "What stood out about Hitler was his manner of speaking. He did not address his audience in a calm, rational, or dignified manner. He would literally shout at them with threats and promises. His talks were very emotional and by their end he would have to slump into a chair exhausted, his face covered with sweat." I chose this passage because it's interesting on how he talks to his soldiers and his people. He talks to them like if they had no feelings or no heart.
Something that interests me:
Something that also is interesting to me is why he wanted to start a World War II. He started World War II because he wanted to regain the strength of Germany. He wanted to get other lands to make Germany bigger and to have more strength and power. He blamed Jewish people because he no one else to blame for the failure of his country, Germany.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
On the day of the election I was shocked. I didn't watch it but I would look up the stats every 30 minutes. Every time I would look up the stats Trump would be ahead. I thought Clinton was going to make a comeback but then at the end, the results were that Trump won. It didn't feel right. It didn't feel right because why would anyone want Trump to be our president. He sees differences in people who are in this country. It shouldn't be that way because at the end we are all humans together and more importantly we are humans that work together to keep this country who it is today. He tries to separate from what he thinks are wrong people to people that deserve to be in this country in his mind. To him only white people are the only good people and the only people that deserve to live and be in this country. Mexicans have done a lot to keep this country together. They grow plants, fruits and vegetables. They do this because no one else wants to do that kind of work. Espically whites. He says all Mexicans and blacks are all stealers, killers, and bad people. In his mind white people never do harm or crimes. He tries to separates blacks from whites, Mexicans from whites and even muslims from whites. This is one reason why I think he didn't deserve to win the election.
My next reason why I think Donald Trump shouldn't have won was because he thinks different about women. He thinks that women don't help our community or our world. Women affect a lot of stuff that happens in this world but in a good way. He thinks just because they're women, they can't do what men can do. He thinks that women are just here to be used. He doesn't think big about women. He is a sexist. He can't or shouldn't be sexist if he's going to be president of this country because there isn't only just men in the United States. There are women too. Women are a big deal in this society. He just doesn't get that through his head.
My last reason why I think he shouldn't have been president is because he only cares about himself. He's really selfish. He thinks he's the best just because how much money he has. He doesn't
care about anybody's feelings when he is supposed to since he's the president of the United States. As president of the United States you are supposed to try to make this country better for every single person despite their skin color, nationality, religion, beliefs. Donald Trump only tries to do what's best for people who thinks deserves it.

My next reason why I think Donald Trump shouldn't have won was because he thinks different about women. He thinks that women don't help our community or our world. Women affect a lot of stuff that happens in this world but in a good way. He thinks just because they're women, they can't do what men can do. He thinks that women are just here to be used. He doesn't think big about women. He is a sexist. He can't or shouldn't be sexist if he's going to be president of this country because there isn't only just men in the United States. There are women too. Women are a big deal in this society. He just doesn't get that through his head.
My last reason why I think he shouldn't have been president is because he only cares about himself. He's really selfish. He thinks he's the best just because how much money he has. He doesn't
care about anybody's feelings when he is supposed to since he's the president of the United States. As president of the United States you are supposed to try to make this country better for every single person despite their skin color, nationality, religion, beliefs. Donald Trump only tries to do what's best for people who thinks deserves it.
Gratitude Blog
I am grateful for a lot of things in my life. I am grateful to be alive. God gave me this opportunity to prove to him that I am worthy to enter his world. Since I am in this world, mind as well make the best of it. In order to do that I will have to do good in school. Thats where my gratitude comes into play. I am grateful for my language arts teacher, Mrs. Larson. Sometimes I'll tell myself that she's over exaggerating and she's mean. But now I realized that she actually does care about my education. She made me care about my education. Every teacher tells me they want to see me succeed but I know that they just say that because thats their job. With Mrs. Larson, she motivated me so much. Not just in school but in life. She made me realize that I can still make a comeback and have the best education I can have. I am grateful, really grateful to have her in my life. I am grateful for her motivation, her inspirational talks and speechs and most importantly, our love hate relationship.
Another person I am grateful for is my mother. This is the most important person and thing in my life. My mom and I have our ups and downs but at the end I know if anything goes wrong where I have no more supporters in life, or friends to be there for me, I know for sure I will have my mother. We have a lot of fights but thats normal for best friends. I will never be embarrassed to show my mom love or appreciatetion because she been doing that for me since I was born. She was the one who feed me and my brothers no mvatter the situation. She buys us clothes and pays bills for me and my brothers so we won't be on streets freezing. She tries her hardest and I truly do appreciate that so much. She did much more for me than just buy me stuff. She showed me manners and respect. My mother raised me to be the most respectful and generous person. I look up to her more than anyone. Whenever I need help in school, I know she didn't finish school and doesn't know a lot about math or anything but I still go to her first because she's my role model. She wants me to do way better than she did and I will because I love her and I know how much I mean to her. I am very grateful to have my mom in my life.
Another person I am grateful to have in my life is Kiana. I just met Kiana a couple of months ago but she made realize that not all of my "friends" are my real friends. She made me realize that these people in my life aren't going to make me succeed in life. She also made me realize that my eduaction is huge. She's literally my best friend. We also get into a lot of fights but I don't care how many fights we get into because I rather fight with her and still have her to have amazing moments with her than loosing her so I won't have to argue. She's also my motivation. I am very grateful to have her because I honestly wouldn't know what I would do without her.

Another person I am grateful for is my mother. This is the most important person and thing in my life. My mom and I have our ups and downs but at the end I know if anything goes wrong where I have no more supporters in life, or friends to be there for me, I know for sure I will have my mother. We have a lot of fights but thats normal for best friends. I will never be embarrassed to show my mom love or appreciatetion because she been doing that for me since I was born. She was the one who feed me and my brothers no mvatter the situation. She buys us clothes and pays bills for me and my brothers so we won't be on streets freezing. She tries her hardest and I truly do appreciate that so much. She did much more for me than just buy me stuff. She showed me manners and respect. My mother raised me to be the most respectful and generous person. I look up to her more than anyone. Whenever I need help in school, I know she didn't finish school and doesn't know a lot about math or anything but I still go to her first because she's my role model. She wants me to do way better than she did and I will because I love her and I know how much I mean to her. I am very grateful to have my mom in my life.
Another person I am grateful to have in my life is Kiana. I just met Kiana a couple of months ago but she made realize that not all of my "friends" are my real friends. She made me realize that these people in my life aren't going to make me succeed in life. She also made me realize that my eduaction is huge. She's literally my best friend. We also get into a lot of fights but I don't care how many fights we get into because I rather fight with her and still have her to have amazing moments with her than loosing her so I won't have to argue. She's also my motivation. I am very grateful to have her because I honestly wouldn't know what I would do without her.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
The Closed Railroad
On the 22nd of October, 2016, I saw a big orange sign right next to the train tracks by the rec stating that the railroad is going to be closed for eight days. The railroad will be closed because constructors are fixing. If you saw that sign what would the first thing to come to your mind? For me, I had no clue what so ever. Until the crossing guard told me why they are going to close down the railroad
Monday, October 31, 2016
Veterans poem
Thank you veterans for your sacrifice.
When you're out there on the field you never know what's going to happen
Just like when you throw a dice
When you get back home to your family, it feels like paradise.
Your friends who are also on the field might die
And there nothing else to do but cry
But when you look up high..
You know they are watching over you and our county from the sky
You deserve all of the respect
With all the your heart you protect
And that's a thing everyone can accept
And there nothing else to do but cry
But when you look up high..
You know they are watching over you and our county from the sky
You deserve all of the respect
With all the your heart you protect
And that's a thing everyone can accept
You are the effect to our cause
Now we should pause and give these veterans a round of applause
Thursday, October 27, 2016
The Giver Theme Blog
October 17th, 2016
Jonas is a dynamic character because at first when he first got chosen for the job of being the receiver, he was nervous. I could tell that he was nervous because when Chief Elder skipped his number it says, “ He felt dizzy, and couldn't focus his attention.” He became dizzy because he knew that he was going to be chosen for the receiver of memories. But eventually later on in the book when he finds out how sad it is of hiding all of these memories from all these people. He also thinks it's terrible and wrong because people have the right to have their memories and think back on happy and sad moments. So Jonas wants to change this and now he is mad instead of nervous. Now he wants to give back all the memories to all these people. In the book it says,” if you get away, if you get beyond, if you get to elsewhere,it will mean that the community has to bear the burden themselves, of the memories you had been holding for them.” This proves that Jonas is a dynamic character because he changes his feelings about being the receiver of memories
The theme for the book The Giver is pain and pleasure because it causes us to be the person we are supposed to be as shown through Jonas. When Chief Elder chose Jonas to become the receiver, she also told him that, “The receiving of memory causes terrible pain.” This shows pain and pleasure because Jonas feels that this is an important job so he’s going to take it seriously but it also causes pain so he’s worried about that too. Jonas keeps on learning more things about being the receiver and he also can feel how love is. Now Jonas is getting more memories of pain and pleasure as we go through the story. One of those moments is when Jonas witnesses his friends playing war and feels disgusted by this. He shows he's disgusted when,“You had no way of knowing this. I didn't know it myself until recently. But it's a cruel game”(). Jonas told this to his friends who were playing a war game because Jonas had a flashback and a memory of war back then. Now he's telling his friends not to play this game because it's bad and he feels disgusted.
Jonas is a dynamic character because at first when he first got chosen for the job of being the receiver, he was nervous. I could tell that he was nervous because when Chief Elder skipped his number it says, “ He felt dizzy, and couldn't focus his attention.” He became dizzy because he knew that he was going to be chosen for the receiver of memories. But eventually later on in the book when he finds out how sad it is of hiding all of these memories from all these people. He also thinks it's terrible and wrong because people have the right to have their memories and think back on happy and sad moments. So Jonas wants to change this and now he is mad instead of nervous. Now he wants to give back all the memories to all these people. In the book it says,” if you get away, if you get beyond, if you get to elsewhere,it will mean that the community has to bear the burden themselves, of the memories you had been holding for them.” This proves that Jonas is a dynamic character because he changes his feelings about being the receiver of memories
The theme for the book The Giver is pain and pleasure because it causes us to be the person we are supposed to be as shown through Jonas. When Chief Elder chose Jonas to become the receiver, she also told him that, “The receiving of memory causes terrible pain.” This shows pain and pleasure because Jonas feels that this is an important job so he’s going to take it seriously but it also causes pain so he’s worried about that too. Jonas keeps on learning more things about being the receiver and he also can feel how love is. Now Jonas is getting more memories of pain and pleasure as we go through the story. One of those moments is when Jonas witnesses his friends playing war and feels disgusted by this. He shows he's disgusted when,“You had no way of knowing this. I didn't know it myself until recently. But it's a cruel game”(). Jonas told this to his friends who were playing a war game because Jonas had a flashback and a memory of war back then. Now he's telling his friends not to play this game because it's bad and he feels disgusted.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Book Vs Movie
October 17th, 2016
In the book The Giver,Fiona is the Assistant Director of Recreation but in the movie she is a nurturer. I think she's a nurturer in the movie because that's a reasonable way to help Jonas get Gabriel and help him escape by distracting the people.
Even though the ending of The Giver in both the book and movie is similar, they still have a few differences. One reason why they are different is because when Gabriel and Jonas were going through the snow, in the book Jonas says to Gabriel, “we’re almost there, Gabriel. I remember this place, Gabe.” In the movie he doesn't say anything to Gabriel or not even to himself. In the movie Jonas just goes through this snow without any talking. I think the director chose to not put those quotes in the movie because in the movie you can actually see where they are at and you could tell that they are almost there since the house and where they were at was in snow. But they put those quotes in the book because the book doesn't have pictures so the author is telling the reader where they are at.
The movie made me understand The Giver because it was way more entertaining because reading makes me bored. So the movie is more attracting to me and makes me want to know more. Also, even though the book has more details, the movie is way easier to understand.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
My Intro
Hi my name is Andrew I am in 8th grade. My favorite thing to do and what I do every day is play PlayStation and play basketball with my brother. My favorite NBA team is the Chicago Bulls or the Boston Celtics. The subject I hate most in school is math. The reason why I hate math is because it's too much work. But sometimes in math I will get the hang of it and actually do my work. My favorite subject is language arts because I like writing a lot. But I hate reading. I love shoes. I only have 6 pairs but I can name every shoe in Footlocker or any other school. I know a lot about shoes.
My goals in life is to get through school and make it to the NBA. I really don't mind what college I go to as long as I go to college. If I don't make it to the NBA, it would hurt but I don't mind having a normal life at all. My biggest goal out of everything is being successful in life and being happy.
Thank you for having time to read my blog.
Thank you for having time to read my blog.
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